Zero-Modified Generalized Poisson Discrete Frailty Model
This function constructs the probability density function of the discrete frailty model of a continuous random variable \(T\) through a base density.
Calculates the improper density of a random variable \(T\) that follows the forward discrete frailty model \(f\).
The probability density function of a random variable \(T\)
requires the base survival function and hazard function, i.e.,
\(S_0(t)\) and \(h_0(t)\), respectively. However, it will only be
necessary to inform the base density function as an argument for pdf.
Internally, the function pdf_fragility_zmpg()
will calculate
\(S_0(t)\) and \(h_0(t)\). The probability density function of \(T\)
is said to be the discrete frailty model. \(T\) is a continuous random
variable, where the density (frailty model) was obtained through a discrete
random variable \(Z\) that follows a Zero-Modified Generalized Poisson - ZMPG
distribution, with \(Z \sim ZMPG(\mu, \phi, \rho)\). The probability
density function of the frailty model is given by:
\( f_T(t) = -\frac{\rho h_0(t) e^{-\frac{1}{\phi}\left[W\left(-\frac{\mu\phi}{1 + \mu\phi}S_0(t) e^{-\frac{\mu\phi}{1 + \mu\phi}}\right) + \frac{\mu\phi}{1 + \mu\phi}\right]}}{\phi}\frac{W\left(-\frac{\mu\phi}{1 + \mu\phi}S_0(t)e^{-\frac{\mu\phi}{1 + \mu\phi}}\right)}{1 + W\left(-\frac{\mu\phi}{1 + \mu\phi}S_0(t)e^{-\frac{\mu\phi}{1 + \mu\phi}}\right)},\)
with \(t>0\), \(\mu>0\), \(\phi \geq 0\) and \(\rho \geq 0\).